Hire Education is now online in the Universe Annex section of the Grantville Gazette . The story grew out of an observation that a guy with a baseball bat might try to repossess your education, and then I got to wondering what might happen if education became a commodity that you could rent or hire for use. If someone fell behind on their payments, what would happen next? Also up is The Unicorn Dilemma in Issue 18 (March 2012) of NewMyths . The story is a slightly different take on a girl, a knight, a dragon and a unicorn. Words and Music is in the February 2 of Futures:Nature. The story is available online . The premise revolves around aliens who modify the meaning of their statements with pitch, far beyond any earth tonal languages. Communication problems? You bet. I also sent back the page proof last week, and so I expect that Perchance to Dream will be up at Futures:Nature very soon. His Brother was an Only Child is still available at Daily Science Fiction ...
Herein, I blog my writing experiences. What does that have to do with a mimosa? Not only is the mimosa a drink, it is also a tree. A paper in a scientific journal from 1917 suggests the mongoose uses mimosa leaves to treat himself for snakebites. This blog is my way of doctoring my writing mishaps. - Ronald D. Ferguson