Now she's looking for a dog: My wife has been in accelerated travel mode since last Thanksgiving. We've been to Disney World, Dollywood, the Biltmore, California, and elsewhere. A week ago we got back from a twenty-six day cruise to the Caribbean and up the Eastern seaboard, down the St. Lawrence to Quebec and Montreal, followed by a train trip and three days in Ottawa, and I've been unproductive in writing any new project until now. . . . Finally, cranked our a new 5200 word short story called Eavesdropping at the Keyhole to Forever which I will soon be marketing: editors beware. I like the story and hope to find it a good home. Current Projects: I'm working on a young adult novel called Tunnel at the End of the Dark, the sequel to The Princess, the Knight, & the Knave. So far about six chapters. During those times I can't stand to look at Tunnel . . . , I hope to produce some more short stories and outline YA sequel novels for Mistress of Vision a...
Herein, I blog my writing experiences. What does that have to do with a mimosa? Not only is the mimosa a drink, it is also a tree. A paper in a scientific journal from 1917 suggests the mongoose uses mimosa leaves to treat himself for snakebites. This blog is my way of doctoring my writing mishaps. - Ronald D. Ferguson