I've been writing longer stories recently--a novel (The Prometheus Proposal) and several novellas (17,500-40,000 words) and novelettes (7,500-17,500 words). There aren't many markets for fiction longer than a short story (1000-7,500 words) and shorter than a novel (40,000+ words). Although short novels are popular in some genres, most adult science fiction and fantasy novels are more than 100,000 words. Some epics are twice that length. Some of my publications are listed on my Amazon Author's page. All my publications including textbooks are listed on my Website RonaldDFerguson.com.
So far the only novella I've published is The Last Starship from 51 Pegassi D. A list of my short fiction publications since I started writing short stories follows. Those with asterisks are novelettes:
So far the only novella I've published is The Last Starship from 51 Pegassi D. A list of my short fiction publications since I started writing short stories follows. Those with asterisks are novelettes:
- His Brother was an Only Child (Copyright 2011)(Daily Science Fiction Stories - June 2011) (Also at 2013 Campbellian Pre-Reading Anthology)
- Wake Up and Smell the Moonflowers (Copyright 2011)(OG's Speculative Fiction Issue 31)
- Philosophy (Copyright 2011)(Heir Apparent- Digital Science Fiction Anthology 4 )
- Perchance to Bleam (Copyright 2012)(Futures section of Nature, April 26, 2012)
- The Unicorn Dilemma (Copyright 2012)(Issue 18 Mar 2012 NewMyths.com)
- Hire Education (Copyright 2012)(Grantville Gazette: Hire Education)(Also at 2013 Campbellian Pre-Reading Anthology)
- Words and Music by ... (Copyright 2012)(Futures section of Nature, Feb 2, 2012)
- Eavesdropping at the Keyhole to Forever. (Copyright 2012) (Grantville Gazette: Eavesdropping...)
- Crosswired (Copyright 2013)( Plasma Frequency, Issue 4)
- Rendezvous at Rashomon (Copyright 2013) (Earthbound Fiction Anthology: Dark Stars)
- Slamnesia (Copyright 2013) (Abyss & Apex, January 2014)
- For the People (Copyright 2013) (Daily Science Fiction: For the People)
- Fugue for Forgetfullness (Copyright 2013)(Buzzy Magazine, 10/4/2013)
- The Meaning of Life (Copyright 2013)Futures Section of Nature, 10/12/13)
- Gnostalgia (Copyright 2014) (Daily Science Fiction, 2014)
- Every Place is Halfway to Somewhere (Copyright 2015) (NewMyths.com)
- Mickey A. Goes to the Moon (Copyright 2016) (PerihelionSF.com, April 12, 2016)
- *Intent to Occupy (Copyright 2016)(Compelling Science Fiction, 2016, Issue 3) (2013 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Award, second place)
- Let Us Go Then, You and I (Copyright 2016)(NewMyths.com, 2016)
- Lover's Moon (Copyright 2016)(Perihelion, Sept 12, 2016)
- Educating Hiram-973 (Copyright 2016)(Perihelion)
- *Wizards and Wizdom (Copyright 2017)(Deep Magic: February 2017)
- The Old Man and the C (Copyright 2017) (Pending Publication: Stupefying Stories)
- The Jogging Alien's Guide to Weight-loss Dating (Copyright 2017)(Perihelion)
- *Cylinders (Jim Baen Memorial Writing Award Anthology) (Copyright 2017)(2016 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Award, third place)
- Wolf Brother's Song Copyright 2017)(The Lost Worlds Anthology, Flame Tree Publishing)
- A Cost-Effective Analysis for the De-Extinction of the Woolly Mammoth (Copyright 2017) (Daily Science Fiction, Sept 26)
- Henki (Copyright 2017)(NewMyths.com, December 2017).
- A Piano Sonata for Three Hands (Copyright 2018)(NewMyths.com, September 2018)
- Every Place is Halfway to Somewhere (Reprint Copyright 2015) (Passages, Best of NewMyths.com, Vol 1, December 2018)
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